‘Largest’ cannabis catch ever in Europe: more than 32 tons

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'Largest' cannabis catch ever in Europe: more than 32 tons

In Spain, the Guardia Civil says it has seized the largest amount of packaged marijuana ever found: more than 32,370 kilograms of marijuana buds. According to the Guardia Civil, that is not only a Spanish record, but also a European record. According to calculations, this amount of buds would have been produced by approximately 1,100,000 cannabis plants. A total of twenty people have been arrested, nine men and eleven women between the ages of 20 and 59. They worked from Toledo, Ciudad Real, Valencia and Asturias. The weed was shipped within Spain as well as to Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.

hemp plantations

The investigation started with a search by the Civil Guard of several industrial hemp plantations in Villacañas (Toledo), whose plants are not allowed to be used for drugs but only for other purposes. The main suspects owned and also owned the company where the seeds were purchased.


The second search took place in Almagro (Ciudad Real) in October. Officers discovered 37,000 plants spread over four greenhouses and drying. The three people who were there at the time of the operation have been arrested. In the shed, the Guardia Civil also found four tons of marijuana residue in various bags. The destination of all production was two sheds in Valencia.

In Valencia, the Guardia Civil then seized 30,530 kilos of buds, 20 kilos of pollen – all vacuum packed – 21,600 plants that were drying and 231,200 packets of marijuana buds.


Documents have also been found showing the existence of several other plantations, processing, preparation and packaging machines, as well as two pollen extraction machines. Fifteen people were arrested during this search.

The third and final phase of the operation consisted of a raid on Asturias. The analysis of the plants found there also tested positive for psychoactive substances. 4,000 plants were seized and two people were arrested.

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