Meanwhile in F1 | Verstappen and Perez assemble football team with coach Russell and goalkeeper Magnussen

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Meanwhile in F1 |  Verstappen and Pérez put together a football team with coach Russell and goalkeeper Magnussen

Between all the important news, it’s easy to miss a few things. Don’t worry, will keep you informed of all the sense and nonsense from the world of Formula 1 in the Meanwhile in F1 section.

Verstappen and Pérez put together a football team with coach Russell and goalkeeper Magnussen

Max Verstappen and Sergio Pérez were given the task at the media day in Austria to put together a football team with the current drivers on the grid. They quickly filled a number of positions on the field, but they had to think about the other positions a little longer. In any case, George Russell was appointed as coach, and Kevin Magnussen became the goalkeeper.

Verstappen distracted during a lap with Lambiase: ‘Where is my co-pilot?’

Max Verstappen and Gianpiero Lambiase drive a lap around the Red Bull Racing on the simulator. Just like last time, the roles were reversed and Verstappen provided the guidance while Lambiase drove. However, Verstappen was distracted at the first corner because Lambiase completely missed the racing line. ‘Where is my co-pilot?’ asked Lambiase.

Verstappen’s first offense is already a fact: being late to the press conference

Max Verstappen had to be present at the FIA ​​press conference in Austria at 1:30 PM, but when everyone was ready, the Dutchman was still missing. Verstappen arrived about fifteen minutes late. The three-time world champion may even receive a fine or a warning for this.

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Verstappen’s heart rate significantly higher after chaos in sim race

Max Verstappen was again in his simulator between the race weekends in Spain and Austria. In one of the races there was a lot of chaos, which the Red Bull Racing driver barely managed to avoid. The Dutchman’s eyes became a lot bigger and his heart rate was also said to have been a lot higher.

Sim racing also dangerous: Verstappen suffers painful elbow from his own steering wheel

When Max Verstappen is not in his RB20, he can often be found behind a virtual steering wheel. The Red Bull Racing driver was also busy sim racing on Wednesday evening, but that did not go without a hitch. Verstappen ended up outside the track, causing his steering wheel to vibrate violently. That resulted in a painful elbow.

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Verstappen jokes with Ricciardo in his own language: ‘This man is going to steal women’s hearts’

Daniel Ricciardo posted a video on Instagram of the weekend in Spain in which a few celebrities have their say, each in their own language saying something about the Australian. First, former MotoGP champion Marc Marquez has the floor and later Max Verstappen also makes an appearance in the video. The Red Bull Racing driver has a very remarkable name for his old teammate.

Wife Newey posts funny photo of husband: ‘He said he was tired, right?’

Despite the interest from other Formula 1 teams, Adrian Newey first agreed to a break. Using a quote from the popular film Forrest Gump, the top designer made it clear that he was ‘a bit tired’ after all those years in F1. His wife Amanda responded to this in a hilarious way on Tuesday on X. “Didn’t Adrian say he was tired and needed a vacation?” she writes with a photo of Adrian, who is wearing a T-shirt with the famous Forrest Gump quote and is enjoying a well-deserved vacation with a beer in his hand. .

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Russell shows in a comical way how tough a triple header is

The Formula 1 circus is currently in a very busy period. Last weekend the drivers were still driving in Spain, but next weekend the Grand Prix of Austria is already on the program and a week later there will be racing at Silverstone. A triple header and that it is hard for the drivers is shown in a comical way by Mercedes driver George Russell with a video on his Instagram account.

Verstappen shares three favorite meals: ‘When you get home: kebab!’

Max Verstappen has shared his three favorite meals. You start with dinner, with tomato soup or carpacchio, and then when you go out and come home, you go for kebab!

Hamilton gives the fans what they want: the selfie with Norris and Verstappen

Lewis Hamilton took a selfie with Max Verstappen and Lando Norris during the press conference and some fans noticed it. However, they had not yet seen the photo on social media, so the seven-time world champion was begged to post the selfie. Hamilton quickly decided to provide the fans with the photo.

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Horner narrowly escapes Red Bull shower, Verstappen soaking wet

If a Red Bull Racing driver manages to win a Grand Prix, a team photo is always taken. Afterwards, Red Bull is sprayed and the team members try to run away as quickly as possible. This time Christian Horner had a great start and escaped a Red Bull shower. Max Verstappen, the winner of the Spanish Grand Prix, had a wet suit.

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