Zeeman comes with affordable designer sunglasses

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Zeeman comes with affordable designer sunglasses

Zeeman, known for its socks, underwear and merchandise, has come up with a new fad to capitalize on. Now that the sun regularly stings our eyes again, Zeeman has come up with it all: designer sunglasses, but just from the Zeeman. For a price of 24.99 euros or 49.99 euros (quite high by Zeeman standards) you can get a pair of designer sunglasses. It just looks designer.

Sailor glasses

From Ray-Ban to Zeeman

A kind of Ray-Ban, a kind of Dolce & Gabbanna: Zeeman has not completely imitated the well-known brands, but you can clearly see that it has taken inspiration from the sunglasses of the high-end brands. Zeeman previously also introduced a line of cheap perfumes that were virtually indistinguishable from expensive perfumes in terms of quality and ingredients. Now it seems to have come up with a new way to give designers a check. Designer, but from Zeeman.

Zeeman himself says: “Sunglasses from well-known fashion brands often cost hundreds of euros, and yet fashion enthusiasts fall for them en masse. They blindly assume that the quality is good. But is that really so? Are you really paying for quality? To find out, Zeeman has now developed its own collection of designer sunglasses together with a renowned eyewear designer. The challenge: real designer sunglasses of premium quality for the lowest possible price.”

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From design to price

It wants people to take up the challenge: is it really possible, design quality for a low price? It is up to the customers to find a suitable pair of glasses and take on the challenge. On the terrace, in the park, on the beach or in the car: just slide those designer glasses on and go for it. According to Zeeman, the glasses were made by a renowned designer, but who exactly does not say. On the other hand, the ‘real’ designer glasses of the Gucci’s and Prada’s of this world all seem to be put together by the same manufacturer.

You don’t get a luxury glasses case, no handkerchief and you don’t buy it in a special store just for sunglasses: it’s just next to the underpants in the Zeeman in the brand’s digital store (so not in the regular stores). According to the designer and Zeeman, premium quality designer glasses can be sold for 24.99 euros. The biggest difference with the expensive fashion brands is that there are high margins on all intermediate links: the department stores and sunglasses stores where they are located, for example.

ClassicZ and SpecialZ

About the Zeeman glasses then: there is ClassicZ with 5 designs, based on the well-known frames such as Ray-Ban and Aviator. They all cost 24.99 euros each. You can also go a bit crazy with more retro and eye-catching frames: the SpecialZ collection is for you. This consists of three frames that are for a slightly more eccentric type of person, or someone who just dares. And someone who has a little more money: Zeeman SpecialZ glasses cost 49.99 euros each.

Would this hip new line from Zeeman go as viral as the Skeer collection with Hef? It could be, especially since quality has also been taken into account here.

All glasses contain anti-reflective lenses and a UV400 filter to actually protect against the sun’s UV rays. Do you want such glasses? From tomorrow 09:00 am you can reach the Sailor right for all frames. Note: only in the webshop.

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