Young residents of Almere arrested on suspicion of bank helpdesk fraud

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Young residents of Almere arrested on suspicion of bank helpdesk fraud

Almere – On Wednesday morning, January 10, the police arrested two suspects from Almere on suspicion of involvement in committing bank helpdesk fraud. It concerns a 19-year-old woman and a 21-year-old man. Various means of communication were also seized during the arrest.

A criminal investigation team from East Utrecht has started an investigation after several reports of bank helpdesk fraud showed that there were multiple agreements. In these cases, victims, from Woudenberg and Zeist, among others, were called by a male bank employee who informed them that they were victims of fraud. A woman then came to the house to supposedly secure their bank card. Various amounts were then stolen from the bank account with this debit card.

Suspects in the picture

The investigation team that specializes in digital crime tracked down both suspects. On Wednesday morning, January 10, agents arrested the 19-year-old woman and 21-year-old man in Almere on suspicion of involvement in committing this bank helpdesk fraud. During the search, means of communication were also found that may have been used to commit this crime. The suspects are currently in custody for further questioning. Further research must reveal how many victims are likely involved and what the exact amount of damage is.

Digital crime

Much traditional crime is moving to the digital domain. Consider, for example, friend-in-need fraud, purchase and sales fraud, phishing and (bank) helpdesk fraud. The impact on victims and society is enormous. Moreover, unlike traditional crime, this form of crime knows no boundaries. With the national Centurion action program, the police are accelerating their approach to digital crime. The collaboration between the East Netherlands and Central Netherlands units is a good example of this.

If you think you are a victim of digital crime such as bank helpdesk fraud, please contact the police on 0900-8844 or the fraud helpdesk.

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