​X wants to take YouTube’s place with long videos on TV

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​X wants to take YouTube’s place with long videos on TV

First it was social networks that targeted television, but now it’s social networks. Elon Musk naturally wants X to become an ‘everything’ app and it is therefore not surprising that there will soon be the option to watch longer videos and on a larger screen. Good quality videos, and also long lasting: that is what X wants. No longer just snack content, but also longer videos that have more meaning. Does it have to do with the challenge that Elon Musk recently took up with the world’s biggest YouTuber, MrBeast?

X is said to be working on an app for Amazon and Samsung television platforms that allows you to watch longer videos on a larger screen. This suggests an anonymous source Fortune. The app appears to have been in development for a while and could potentially even be released this week. X has been calling itself a video-first platform for a while now, and that’s an interesting question, since Twitter has always been the platform where you primarily posted your musings. If you thought something, you posted those thoughts in text on Twitter. Later, of course, photos and videos were added and that looked good, but not many people will say: oh that new film by that one director, have you seen it on X?

Long videos on X on TV

Apparently this needs to change and not only within the X app that we now know. There will be a special television app, because X believes that research shows that people watch videos in eight out of ten sessions on the platform. Pay attention, because this is amazing: in December 2023, 130 years of video was watched, and we’re only talking about videos of half an hour and longer. Apparently it is indeed not that strange what X says, although it is a very far-fetched show from Twitter. Or should we say Twitter’s deathbed, and is X finally becoming more free from the platform on which it is based? In his Twitter days, X has had NFL contracts to livestream that American sport, as well as a recent deal with former CNN celebrity Don Lemon. So there is definitely a new era coming for Twitter, and that new era is called X.

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