X wants to allow Not Safe For Work communities

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X wants to allow Not Safe For Work communities

In general, you can open Twitter/X quite safely when you are at work: you do not have to worry that very shocking images or pornography will suddenly appear. That will come to an end, but only if you become a member of a certain Community. X/Twitter wants to set up NSFW Communities where you can go for all that content that your manager really doesn’t need to see.

X’s NSFW Communities

It will soon be possible for admins of a Community to enable an ‘adult content’ label in the settings, so that the content within their Community is not filtered out. Now, such a Community is also a separate part that you will not encounter in your regular timeline, so if it has to appear somewhere, it will be in a separate part of X. That way you can simply use X at work, and then click through to that Community at home.

We are not surprised that X is making this adjustment. If you simply search for a word on 13 percent of the content on X is said to be NSFW, it was reported Reuters in 2022, and that has probably only increased recently. Reuters already reported that it is one of the largest growth factors at X, while news and sports actually declined. Now take a look at

Onlyfans or Reddit?

Musk is especially keen to grow his Communities, which is not a strange choice, especially with the arrival of WhatsApp channels. We do wonder whether It would not be the first time that a social medium has been heavily inspired by another success. It may also be that Musk mainly wants to go after Reddit: it is one of the largest sites in the world and is also based on discussing and talking, a bit like it used to be on a forum.

Soon you will be able to watch NSFW content on X, but only if you want to. We especially hope that it will remove all the sex spam from the rest of It is still unknown when exactly the NFSW communities will come.

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