Witnesses wanted in Delflandplein stabbing incident

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Witnesses wanted in Delflandplein stabbing incident

Amsterdam – On Saturday afternoon, February 24, around 1:10 p.m., a stabbing incident took place at Delflandplein. A 22-year-old man is slightly injured. During the incident, bystanders reportedly separated the two men. The police would like to get in touch with these witnesses.

When two police officers drive along Voorburgstraat during their shift, they are beckoned by a bystander who directs them in the direction of Overschiestraat. A stabbing incident is said to have just taken place there between two men in which the victim suffered injuries to his hand and side. The officers immediately drive in that direction where they see the suspect running after the victim. The suspect is ordered to remain standing after which he is arrested.

The description of the suspect is as follows:

  • man
  • About 40 years old
  • Light skin tone
  • Long black hair
  • Injuries to the face
  • Black cap
  • Brown jacket
  • Black/dark gray sweatpants
  • Beige slippers

Witnesses wanted
The men were separated by bystanders a little earlier during an argument. Did you witness this incident or do you know more about what happened that afternoon? Then the police would like to get in touch with you. Call us on 0900-8844 or fill in the tip form below. Would you rather remain anonymous? You can also contact Meld Misdaad Anoniem via 0800-7000 or www.meldmisdaadanoniem. Please include the following registration number: 2024044988.

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Information source: Politie.nl

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