Witnesses wanted after new explosion in Diemen

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Diemen – An explosive went off at the front of a house on Hartschelp during the night of Tuesday 25 to Wednesday 26 June 2024. The police started an investigation on the spot and are looking for witnesses. Three days earlier, another house in the same street was also the target of an explosion.

Around 3.45 am, local residents were startled by a loud bang. While a man was sleeping, an explosive device was detonated at his front door. The explosion caused the ceiling plate of a roof to break off in its entirety, causing glass damage and smoke development. As a precaution, the police involved cordoned off the area around the house. Experts from the Forensic Investigation carried out trace investigations at the building. No one was injured in the explosion. Unfortunately, an extensive search of the area did not result in any arrests.

Detectives are investigating whether there is a possible connection between the explosions of 23 June at around 2:15 and those of last night. Residents with camera images are asked to come forward. Information that can help the investigation is welcome. Do you know of any (criminal) conflicts or have you seen suspicious situations in the past period? Share this with us via the tip form or via 0900-8844. If you find it scary or exciting to report, you can always do so anonymously or confidentially. Then use Meld Misdaad Anoniem or the Team Criminal Intelligence. This is a department trained in shielding tipsters and informants. They are specialised in gathering information inconspicuously and protecting the tipster at all times.

The Amsterdam-Amstelland safety region has again seen many incidents involving explosive objects this year. This is worrying, because the danger to entrepreneurs, residents, passers-by and emergency services on site is of course great. Heavy illegal fireworks, jerry cans with flammable liquid or homemade explosives do not belong in public spaces – where people work and live – and create life-threatening situations. This must stop. The police are working hard to track down suspects who are involved in this form of excessive violence. This has already led to several arrests, convictions and lengthy prison sentences. But in order to track down the perpetrators, the police really need local residents. After all, they know their neighbourhood best. Even if something is wrong in the streetscape, they are the first to notice it. Passing on information to the police is therefore crucial.

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Information source: Politie.nl

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