Will Lee Towers stop singing?

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Will Lee Towers stop singing?

There’s no way Lee Towers is thinking of hanging up his golden microphone. Although Lee suffers from physical complaints, as far as he is concerned the end of his career is not yet in sight. “As long as I can afford it, I will continue. In two years I hope to be eighty, but as far as I’m concerned that doesn’t have to mean the end,” says the singer in De Telegraaf…

Lee broke his hand and hip last year and has since been dependent on a crutch and a walker. “I still can’t walk well after that hip fracture,” he says. “With a walker it is possible to move forward, but standing is no longer possible at all. I fear things will never get better again.”

Due to his physical complaints, Lee will sing the starting gun to the runners of the marathon in Rotterdam for the last time on April 14. “I enjoyed doing it for many years,” says Lee. “But I can’t physically do it anymore. It costs me a lot of energy. Because it is not just singing You’ll Never Walk Alone, there is much more to such a marathon. So afterwards I always high-five with the runners at the finish line for hours. That’s very tiring, and I don’t want to give them a weak hand!”

You’ll Never Walk Alone will be played at the marathon in Lee’s absence in the coming years. “I think that is a very sweet gesture. This way I stay connected to the marathon.”

Source: Shownieuws / photo: AJDJ

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