Wilfred Genee takes the career damage to Theo Maassen into account

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Wilfred Genee takes the career damage to Theo Maassen into account

Theo Maassen is in the corner where the blows fall. And while previously he seemed to mainly hand them out… Through extensive research by the weekly magazine Privé, we learned that several women, including his wife Joyce, have fallen victim to his explosive and aggressive behavior in recent years. Wilfred Genee reacts to the news in Nieuwe Revu: “It seems inevitable to me that this will have repercussions on his career. Although no charges have been filed and Privé may be a slightly less serious medium than, for example, de Volkskrant and NRC, the stories as now presented with the necessary substantiation will still make you look at his sometimes very harsh jokes differently.”

Vpro Summer Guests 2023 Theomaassen ©diederickbulstraphotography

Photo Wilfred: Instagram

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