Why you want to follow a graphic training as an IT or marketer

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With the new school year in sight, many are busy making a new choice of study. Have you already completed a previous IT or marketing and communication course and would you like to study something else, but you are not sure what to do right away? NL News Elke explains in this article why following a graphic study as an IT or marketer is a good idea!

Lots of choice within the branch

If you opt for a graphic education, you still have plenty of choice in which you would like to specify. You can choose to go for the liberal arts and go the more artistic way, or you can choose to go towards print and web design. With the latter you also get a broad insight into how users think and how you can best design for which target group.

Visual insight

If you choose a graphic education within the print and web design branch, you will gain much more insight into how websites or applications are built. You may already have a development background and code websites, but in a graphics course you will learn even more why certain design and architectural choices are made for your website or application.

You learn to think more creatively and more freely

In a graphics course you often learn to think in a slightly different way. Depending on which branch you choose, you will also learn to think more creatively and you will also be taught various brainstorming techniques. You will also learn research techniques that will give you many new insights.

You learn to get started with creative tools yourself

In a graphics course you learn to get started with creative tools such as Photoshop and Illustrator and, depending on which course you choose, also with newer tools such as Figma and ProCreate. These offer advantages that you will be able to express yourself visually much more easily and you will therefore not only depend on tools such as PowerPoint. Although you can now take on the world with these tools!

And, is a graphic training as an IT or marketer something for you? Let us know in the comments!

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