Why they will look for MH370 again ten years later

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Why they will look for MH370 again ten years later

A Texan company claims to have new evidence about what happened to MH70. A plane that had 239 people on board and never arrived at its destination in 2014. Can the Texans make a difference and finally answer the many questions that exist?

The wreckage of MH370

It was a Malaysian Airlines flight that flew over the South China Sea and disappeared after 38 minutes. Strange, because the plane took a very standard route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. It has now been ten years since the Malaysian plane MH370 disappeared from radar. As far as we know, it didn’t crash or land and there are all kinds of wild stories about what might have happened. No wreck was ever actually found.

Many people believe that the plane crashed into the ocean, but there are those who believe that the plane and its passengers landed somewhere in an undisclosed location. Bizarre stories, which you can hear more about in the Netflix documentary MH370: The Plane That Disappeared. It is especially strange that passengers’ mobile phones would have been left on for a while.

More research needed

Many questions, many stories, but ten years later, answers may well emerge. A company in the United States says it has scientific evidence on where the wreckage of MH370 might be. The company would like to conduct a new search in the southern Indian Ocean. It has applied for this from the Malaysian government. So the Boeing 777 would probably have crashed into the ocean anyway, based on the few details we know now. It is thought the flight ran out of fuel when it tried to return and ended up in the southern Indian Ocean. In 2015, some pieces that probably came from that flight washed up in the western Indian Ocean, but a search was then carried out within 120,000 square kilometers without success.

Then in December this year, another group of aviation experts emerged who believed they could find MH370 in a matter of days. They believe the plane was hijacked and that a skilled pilot took over. The Texan company Ocean Infinity conducted research in 2018, but now wants to return to search on a no cure, no fee basis (no solution, no compensation). The question is whether the data still offers new insights 10 years later, or whether we may have to accept that we will never get answers to those pressing questions about that mysterious plane.

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