Who saw kidnapped man released?

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Who saw kidnapped man released?

Rhoon – The 71-year-old Rotterdam resident who was kidnapped earlier has been found again since Saturday morning. The man arrived in Rhoon on the Rhoonse Baan just before half past eight and reported himself to officers who were there to handle another report. The police are still investigating the kidnapping and would like to get in touch with people who saw where, how and by whom the man was dropped off on Saturday morning.

The 71-year-old victim was probably dropped off in Rhoon on or near the Zevenmeet, a side road of the Rhoonse Baan, between 7:30 and 8 a.m. The victim asked several people for help. This may have been in the vicinity of the Portland parking lot. The police would like to get in touch with the people who spoke with the victim on Saturday morning. The research team is particularly curious whether people saw that the man was taken from a car and what kind of car this was.

Camera images
If you have a security camera or doorbell camera at your home or business in the Zevenmeet, Rhoonse Baan or Portland area and something special can be seen on those images on Saturday morning between 7:00 and 8:30 am, the research team would like to get in touch with you.

A witness saw a red Tesla driving on the Rhoonse Baan at approximately 8 a.m. on Saturday morning. Because Teslas are known to be equipped with a dashcam as standard, the police would very much like to get in touch with the owner of the Tesla to request these camera images.

No bodily harm
After the victim was dropped off, he was referred to the police by the people he spoke to. They were located a bit further on the Rhoonse Baan because of a reported collision in which a car had fallen into the water. The officers saw a man walking in their direction along the cycle path from Zevenmeet towards Rhoon. The man spoke to the officers and it became clear from the conversation that it was about the previously kidnapped Rotterdam resident. The man had no external injuries, but was taken to hospital for checks. Fortunately, no serious physical injuries resulted.

The investigation is not yet completed with the man’s safe return. The police still want to know who is behind this and why. If people have information about this, the research team would like to get in touch with them. This can also be done confidentially via the Criminal Intelligence Team (TCI). TCI can have secret contact and shields the identity of the tipster. You can reach this special team on 088 – 661 77 34. If you want to remain completely anonymous, you can report via Meld Misdaad Anoniem on 0800-7000 or via www.meldmisdaadanoniem.nl.

Information source: Politie.nl

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