Who knows more about the home invasion at the Lauwers in Zwijndrecht?

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Who knows more about the home invasion at the Lauwers in Zwijndrecht?

Zwijndrecht – This morning between 8:00 and 8:30 a house on Lauwers in Zwijndrecht was robbed by several men. They threatened with a stabbing weapon. The resident, a 44-year-old man, was pushed to the ground and suffered minor injuries to his shoulder. The robbers made off with an unknown amount of loot. They fled via the Ringdijk towards the roundabout at Stationsweg

The police are investigating the case and ask witnesses or local residents to contact them if they have more information or saw something on Monday morning, January 15. Even if you may have noticed something in the days before, the police would like to get in touch with you.

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Have you seen anything that could help the research team? The police would like to hear from you via the options below.

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Information source: Politie.nl

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