Who is De Mol S24 – Final: who is De Mol in the end?

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Who is De Mol S24 – Final: who is De Mol in the end?

And the Mole is…

It was another wonderful journey that we as viewers took with the candidates of Wie is de Mol? have been through. Mexico of course, but also the journey we went through every week discovering who De Mol is. There are three people left: a Mole, a winner and a loser. Anna, Fons and Rosario. Just before the final, this is who is most suspected: Anna with 49 percent of the votes. Then Rosario with 29 percent, followed by Fons with 22 percent.

Anna the most suspicious

Many people have suspected Anna from the start, partly because people thought they recognized her in the first episode where De Mol shook hands with every candidate at a Dia de Muertos party (see tweet below). But Fons has also had a number of Mol actions. If it is Rosario (what the writer of this piece thinks), then it has been a more subtle Mole this year. Rian thinks Fons, Kees thinks Fons (and even kept awake about it) and Tooske thinks Fons. Exciting, because the viewers think that the least likely mole… We are going to reveal who it is under the Anna tweet, so if you don’t want to know yet, you can stop reading now.

And the Mole is…

Is it Rosario who is the first Mole in 24 years not to be unmasked in the final? The word is out: the Mole is…

Anna is the Mole.

Well done, Rosario and Fons both thought Anna was the Mole. Rosario said from the second test that it was Anna, while Fons doubted much longer. The two gentlemen were convinced almost immediately: De Mol is a woman. The final test was ultimately completed best by (with a difference of 3 questions correct): Fons. Fons is therefore the winner!

Mole tricks

Anna was a blue-faced woman with an orange wig during Dia de los Muertos and that is very impressive, especially when you see the montage of how close people really got. That was of course the ultimate bullshit, but there were others.

  • Speed ​​date: the candidates played out all the exemptions themselves, but put 6,000 euros into the pot because they blindly followed Anna’s plan. Not fantastic for Anna as Mol at that moment, but it was great for winning the trust of her fellow candidates.
  • Painting: During the Frida Kahlo painting assignment, this Mole deliberately managed to say the wrong numbers all the time and create chaos. In the episode it seemed as if it was mainly Kees who made everything go wrong, but in the end that was not entirely his fault.
  • Olympic Games: If there was no number visible in this assignment, then nothing was earned. Anna decided to start broadcasting, but strangely enough the microphone did not work very well. “By the time the candidates realized they should have started with a clean stand, the chaos was already complete.” And that was partly because of Fons and Kees, who in turn also made a mess of it.
  • Sitting out: In the assignment in which certain people had to mainly stay seated and the others had to climb, things went wrong again mainly because of the candidates. Anna was even surprised at how often her fellow candidates stood up.
  • Struggling with it: The luchador assignment was also a Mollen assignment. Writing down names of wrestlers that did not exist, deliberately copying the masks of fighters who would not enter the ring that evening. Didn’t earn 2000 euros, but 75.
  • The beaten path: the episode that many people liked the most is the one with Dennis Weening and those nice Mole piñatas. It was also a very cool assignment he had with the shredding. And the fact that those mole piñatas turned out to be very hard. De Mol of course knew which piñata contained mint money.
  • Matching: in a circle around the dancers, Rik would always tell one of the candidates which dancer should be tagged away, a passing game, which Anna played with quite modestly. At one point Kees also passed on the wrong message, which made it very easy for Anna.
  • Transfer: In the seventh episode, candidates had to pick up people in tuktuks and drop them off at the restaurant. Unfortunately, De Mol was in a tuk tuk and could therefore simply drop off many guests at random, instead of in the restaurant. She has a guest call Carlos whose real name is Charley. This was the moment for Fons that he knew for sure about Anna, because he saw her in the tuk tuk, NOT picking up people.
  • Well underway: Finding many words that are not used, that’s what the Mole is for. She is in a boat with Kees and that suited Anna well. Kees rowed, but Kees also trusts her well. At one point she even shouts, “A mole on board!” And then there were a lot of articles that the candidates couldn’t use…

Charming: Fons decides to share his money with Rosario and also gives money to a journalistic charity. If you want to know more mole pranks, you can go to Who’s the Mole’s website.

Most bizarre moment this season

We also heard about a special moment this season, where Dennis Weening was on the phone with Babs, but he didn’t realize anything…

When will Wie is de Mol return?

That’s an interesting one, because Rik didn’t say: see you next year, he said ‘See you next time’. Will there be an earlier Who is the Mole? season after all? We’ll keep an eye on it.

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