​When does Who is the Mole start again?

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​When does Who is the Mole start again?

We follow it closely every year: Who is the Mole? It’s time to buy a new Mole Book, because the time has come. We now know when the new season of the series will start.

Smart assembly work

Who is the mole? is a party every year. The clever editing ensures that you are constantly misled. The idea is that a group of semi-famous Dutch people travel together and carry out assignments along the way. Money can be made with this: money that De Mol must keep out of the pot as much as possible. But as a candidate you have to pay close attention to all kinds of small details: every episode a test is made and you have to tell certain details about the Mole.

Or at least: who you think the Mole is. Sometimes you need to know all kinds of small details, such as what someone was wearing or who he or she was in a group with. If you get a lot of questions wrong, you’re out. So you want to mislead fellow candidates: if they get more questions wrong, they have to go home. So it is up to you to behave like a Mole.

Who is the mole? app

Now it sounds as if you immediately realize who De Mol is at home, but you also see the mole tricks of the candidates and that combined with the clever editing makes it quite impossible to discover who De Mol is. You can also make this a competition to find out who the Mole is. This can be done in groups in the Wie is de Mol app, which you can download and use for free.

Sometimes they also contain some useful hints. Or are they ways to mislead you? Many questions, which are all answered in the denouement of Who is the Mole: it becomes known who De Mol was all along and you also see what mole pranks he or she performed: very entertaining.

When does Wie is de Mol season 24 start?

AVROTROS will broadcast the first episode of the new season on Saturday, January 6, 2024. That’s no big surprise: Who is de Mol? Traditionally it starts on the first Saturday of the year and that is no different now. It has something to it: a new year, a new chance to finally guess who the Mole is. But yes, knowing that launch date makes you want more.

Who is the Mole candidates

However, no statements have yet been made about who will participate in this 24th season. So we can’t yet think of who a good Mole could be. Although, of course, there are always rumors. Actor Jeroen Spitzenberger is mentioned, presenter Sam Hagens, drag queen Justin Mooijer, musician Rosario Mussendijk, presenter Tooske Ragas and illustrator Jip van der Toorn. Sounds like a nice group of people. Could Tooske have a Mole in him? Or maybe a drag queen, who is used to taking on a different role? Last year there was quite a hunt to find out who the candidates are, whether that will happen again this year is still unknown.

In which country does Wie is de Mol play? wondering?

Wie is de Mol took place last year in beautiful South Africa, so this year the candidates will probably go to another part of the world. Mexico is suspected because there is said to be a photo taken in a theater in Yucatán. That photo would also show another possible candidate: presenter Anna Gimbrere. If Mexico is correct, you can count on some extra holidays being booked to that country next year. They always know how to portray where they are so beautifully that it gives you a spontaneous wanderlust.

If you think there is a pattern in what type of person De Mol is: last year it was Jurre Geluk, then Everon Jackson Hooi, then Renee Fokker, then Jeroen Kijk in de Vegte and then Rob Dekay. No level to raise, right?

Who is the mole? see you from Saturday January 6 around 8:30 PM at AVROTROS on NPO1.

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