Wendy from Peter Gillis: ‘People walked out of my life’

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Wendy from Peter Gillis: ‘People walked out of my life’

Due to her relationship with entrepreneur and reality star Peter Gillis, Wendy van Hout became famous almost out of nowhere. This has brought both positive and negative changes in her private life, she tells Party, but: “Peter actually pulls me through it, because I am quite a person who takes things to heart. It only makes you stronger. Now I really look at things from a completely different perspective.”

Wendy, have you learned who your real friends are through your relationship with Peter, and all the fuss surrounding him in the media, such as the news at the beginning of December that Oostappen Holiday Park Prinsenmeer in Ommel had to close immediately?
“It has certainly brought a lot of change. Positive, but certainly also negative. There are really people who walked out of my life and that really affected me. I haven’t changed, I just have a partner who is in the spotlight. But now that Peter is my partner, you notice that people look at me very differently. Even in court. I had a private lawsuit in which very high fines were imposed on me. That is really absurd, because in my opinion this only happened because Peter’s name was mentioned in court. I find it very bad that such a judge goes along with this and makes me bleed with such high fines, because I have a partner with money. It shocked me very much. My jaw literally dropped open. Where someone else would receive approximately six thousand euros on their case, I receive one hundred thousand euros in penalty.”

The rest of our extensive interview with Wendy will be in Party 4 this week!

Photo: Instagram

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