Wanted: women with a great job in tech

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Wanted: women with a great job in tech


Of course we know that there are many women with great jobs in tech: we have even been talking to them for years. Plus, without those women, NL News would never exist. Because we are again busy with our NL News of the Week section, we are looking for women who work in tech. And that is in the broadest sense of the word.

You don’t have to be able to say Dalai Lama-like inspiring quotes, spend 8 hours in front of the computer every day or know Pi to 100 decimal places. If you are a woman who works in tech, or know a woman who does, we are already interested. We would like to show you (or her) how versatile technology jobs are and, above all, what drives them to choose such a job. As a self-employed person, employed, or volunteering, it doesn’t matter.

Wasn’t it called NL News of the Month?

Certainly, the NL News of the Month section has been transformed into NL News of the Week. There is no longer an election in which we put one woman of that month in the spotlight: we prefer to use that election week to speak to another woman in tech and let our readers enjoy it. Who knows who will be inspired by that interview, maybe the next Elon Musk or Steve Jobs. Moreover, we believe that all women in tech deserve equal praise: then 12 per year is of course far too little. So NL News of the Week.

I would like to participate, but I still have doubts

NL News of the Week is a section in which we do not do the talking ourselves, because we prefer to leave that to ladies who can teach us more. We are curious about what you do, what drives you, but also what you encounter, what successes you have had and what you hope for the future. It certainly does not have to be about your role as a woman in tech: it is mainly about you in tech.

Okay, but how does it work?

The interview takes about half an hour and is held via Google Meet. You will read the interview before it goes live and will then have the opportunity to identify factual inaccuracies. It’s nice if you have a photo of yourself to add, but if you don’t want that, we will work things out differently. In short, it is very accessible and a great opportunity to work together to ensure that more women do such a great job.

Do you know or are you someone who would be interested in this? Nice! Email us at info@techgirl.nl. We’d love to hear your story.

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