Wanted: images of suspects in Keyenburg explosion

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Wanted: images of suspects in Keyenburg explosion

Rotterdam – On Friday 29 and Saturday 30 March, a fire broke out at a house on Keyenburg in South Rotterdam after an explosion. The 25-year-old resident had to flee the house from the flames. Her two cats died in the fire. The police are investigating and looking for images.

The 25-year-old daughter of the house was already in bed when she heard glass shattering around 11:30 p.m., followed by several loud bangs. The smoke and flames spread quickly through the house. As the fire spread on the ground floor, the cats fled under the bed. The woman was called to the balcony by the neighbor where she fled to the neighbor’s house. Her cats were later found to have died in the fire. The woman was checked by an ambulance, but did not have to be taken to hospital. The house has been declared uninhabitable.

A detective team has started an investigation and has spoken to witnesses and viewed camera images. Detectives currently assume that there are two perpetrators. Several images have already been submitted to the police and viewed, but there may be more images that are not yet in the possession of the police. The police are calling on people who still have images and have not yet shared them to do so. Do you live in the Keyenburg, Endenburg, Schuilenburg, Drakenburg, Lokhorst, Diepenhorst, Nederhorst, Ravenhorst, Ludenhorst, Binkhorst area and have a doorbell camera, security system or dashcam and suspicious persons can be seen in the images of Friday, March 29 around half past twelve in the evening? to see? We then ask you to upload these images via the form below this message. Or to contact the research team on 0900-8844. You can then ask for the South Detective Department.

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Information source: Politie.nl

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