Viral this week: New York, Greta Thunberg and angry neighbors

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Viral this week: New York, Greta Thunberg and angry neighbors

In terms of viral content, this week is mainly focused on the earthquake in New York and Greta Thunberg. But there was also everything in between.

Police officer gets angry with bus driver

This week in Seattle, the story is about a police officer who told a bus driver the truth about his driving behavior. And something more than just the truth. Some people think it’s good, others think it goes too far, but in any case it seems to have set tongues wagging in the American city this week.

Danger of collapse

A bizarre video Reddit of a shop visitor in Jiangsu, China, who suddenly falls to the ground: literally. Fortunately, the woman, and a construction worker working underneath, were rescued from the rubble without major injuries. In any case, it is shocking. Whether he or she ever dares to enter a clothing store again…

Greta Thunberg arrested twice

Environmental activist and ‘voice of her generation’, as she is sometimes called, Greta Thunberg, was arrested no fewer than twice at an Extinction Rebellion protest on the A12 today. The supporters and opponents managed to find each other on social media, but it is mainly this photo of the young lady that has spread around the world:

Earthquake in New York

Fortunately it wasn’t too bad, but the earthquakes that were felt in New York yesterday caused a lot of shaking videos, including the Statue of Liberty herself:

Smiling bishop

Bishop Stefan Oster of the Passau community in Germany found his own joke during Easter Mass so funny that he laughed so much. Especially at Christian events, the tone is often a bit serious, but this man almost wants to cry with laughter. Something different: we love that.

Crypto investor gives important life lessons in 1 tweet

You have 50K in your crypto wallet and you are very happy. Is that right? Probably not: you set a goal of 100K, then 1 million, and so on. Crypto investor Shabby shared an important life lesson on In short, be happy now, please! Or as he puts it: “The happy person has and is nothing at all.”

Neighborhood signs

She has been collecting passive-aggressive items on Instagram for years, but sometimes beautiful, bizarrely aggressive signs also appear elsewhere on the internet. Like this one, including exclamation: Scandalous. Fortunately it is not in caps, but this is how it reads:

Euro grandma

If you have a mobility scooter company and you advertise your business like this, then you deserve to go viral: a mobility scooter shop managed to find an elderly lady willing to go all out on our Eurovision Song Contest song a la Europapa. Very infectious: and good stars on that mobility scooter.

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