Victim of robbery taken to hospital

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Victim of robbery taken to hospital

Tilburg – A 23-year-old Tilburg citizen was robbed early Saturday morning on the Puccinistraat by possibly five men. He has also been abused.

On Saturday, March 30 at 3:10 am, the victim was walking in Puccinistraat when he was attacked by possibly five men. One of the men is wearing a blue tracksuit. They assault the victim and rob him of his jacket, wallet and cell phone. Then they run away and get into a dark car with a Belgian license plate. The victim is left unconscious and bloodied.

Witnesses wanted

The police and ambulance are called. The victim must be taken to hospital for treatment. The police start an investigation. The help of witnesses and/or camera images are welcome in this investigation. If you were in the area of ​​Puccinistraat, Scarlattistraat and Corellistraat around 3 o’clock and you heard something about this, please let us know. If you have camera images of this area, please let us know. Which can:
– via the banners below this message
– via the police app or the reporting form at
– via 0900-8844 or WhatsApp (0612207006)
– anonymously via 0800-7000 or the reporting form from M

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