[UPDATE] Arrest in investigation of death of 2-year-old boy

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[UPDATE] Arrest in investigation of death of 2-year-old boy

Veendam – The police arrested a 24-year-old man from Veendam on Monday morning, April 8, in the investigation into the death of a 2-year-old boy in Veendam. He is suspected of involvement in the child’s death.

The police received a report of a medical emergency at Veenlustplein in Veendam on Thursday, January 11 around 5 p.m. A 2-year-old boy was resuscitated there by ambulance personnel and rushed to hospital a short time later. He died there a few days later.


The facts and circumstances of this report led the police to launch a criminal investigation into the cause of his death. All scenarios are examined. The investigation led to the arrest of the 24-year-old man. He is in custody and is being interrogated.

The research benefits from relative peace. We understand, of course, that the fact that the police are investigating raises emotions and questions among those involved and their (close) environment. But due to the privacy of those involved and because the investigation is still ongoing, we cannot provide further explanation at this time. If further progress of the investigation gives reason to do so, we will communicate an update.

Information source: Politie.nl

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