Unexpected twist: you can now use ChatGPT without an account

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Unexpected twist: you can now use ChatGPT without an account

ChatGPT can now be used without an account. Where OpenAI first required that you log in before providing the AI ​​chatbot with a question bar, this is now no longer necessary. If you now go to chat.openai.com without logging in, you can use ChatGPT: at least, once the rollout is complete. At the time of writing we couldn’t do it yet, but OpenAI says on X that it’s currently rolling it out, so it might be coming our way soon.

It’s a striking turn of events when you look at current OpenAI. If you look at the former OpenAI, it is very logical. The company started the chatbot with the idea of ​​making artificial intelligence available to everyone in a fair way. However, it then quickly introduced logging in, and even a subscription that gives you access to better AI. That is not entirely fair and equal, although more than 100 million people still use ChatGPT every week. So it certainly doesn’t stop people from using it, but it could be a bit more open, OpenAI. And that will happen now (so that more people can cook with ChatGPT).

ChatGPT without an account

OpenAI writes: “It is core to our mission to make tools like ChatGPT widely available so that people can experience the benefits of AI. Starting today, you can use ChatGPT directly, without having to register. We are rolling this out gradually, with the aim of making AI accessible to anyone who is curious about its possibilities.” Hopefully it will indeed follow soon, so that people who are still hesitant about what companies do with their data can still sniff out AI.

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