Tygo Gernandt sees Abraham this week

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Tygo Gernandt sees Abraham this week

Tygo Gernandt turns fifty on April 7. Although he first appeared on television at the age of twelve, in a promotional clip to bring the Olympic Games to the Netherlands, he only really established his name as an actor through his role of Dennis Hulshof in the television series ‘Fort Alpha’, in which he played together with Cas Jansen, Jennifer de Jong and Tatum Dagelet, among others. When ‘Fort Alpha’ started in January 1996, Tygo was 21 years old. For Tygo, acting is pretty much the most important thing in his life. “I can express everything in playing: my soul, my bliss, my energy, my love. Everything must make way for it,” he once said in an interview. In recent years, Tygo, who received a Golden Calf in 2003 for his role of Maikel Verheije in the film ‘Van God Los’, has appeared in the Netflix series ‘Ferry’, ‘Flikken Maastricht’ and in films such as ‘Bon Bini Holland 3’, ‘Casanova’s’ and ‘De Piraten Van Hiernext’, as Knokige Krelis.

Photo: Brunopress

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