Two young men arrested for dealing hard drugs in Huizen

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Two young men arrested for dealing hard drugs in Huizen

Huizen – The police arrested two young men of 19 from Huizen on Tuesday, January 30, on suspicion of dealing in hard drugs. The police tracked down the two thanks to an anonymous report to Meld Misdaad Anoniem.

Investigation after anonymous report

Earlier this year, Meld Misdaad Anoniem received a report that the two men had been selling drugs in the village of Huizen for months. The police then opened an investigation. The police observed the pair in recent weeks and observed ‘dealing behavior’ on several occasions, such as having short contact moments with drug buyers.

Cocaine, cash, phones

On Tuesday evening, the police caught one of the men, a 19-year-old man from Huizen, red-handed after a suspected drug deal. The other man, also a 19-year-old man from Huizen, was arrested on the street later that evening. They found wraps of cocaine, stacks of cash and expensive phones on both young men. Their homes were also searched. The pair are still in custody on suspicion of trafficking in (hard) drugs.

The municipality of Huizen is investigating whether it is possible to implement (administrative) measures. The aim is to ensure that the arrested young people know that it will not be without consequences if they make a mistake again in the municipality of Huizen. And to discourage them from continuing criminal activities.

Young growth

The cocaine trade in the Netherlands disrupts neighborhoods, families and neighborhoods and causes nuisance. It is a harsh world full of violence. Vulnerable and often young people enter this world motivated by money, status, excitement and the urge for recognition. They see a romanticized image created by criminals who attract with expensive cars, jewelry and prestige. Together with our partners, we want to show these young people that the illusion of fame and fortune through crime ultimately fades due to the devastating consequences of criminal behavior. Prevention and creating a safe environment is crucial. By being involved early, it is easier to help and we protect young people from criminal influences. In addition, in addition to possible criminal prosecution by the Public Prosecution Service, we try to offer young people intensive care guidance with the right authorities.

Report when signals occur

The eyes and ears of residents are indispensable in combating drug trafficking, as in this case. Report suspicious situations to the police via 0900-8844, directly to your local police officer or anonymously via Report Crime Anonymous via 0800-7000.

Signs you can look out for are:

  • Young people hanging around somewhere and quickly exchanging something with passers-by.
  • A car where people always ‘pick up’ something.
  • Lots of visitors to a (sealed) house, even at strange times.

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