‘Two Spanish police officers dead in collision with drug smugglers’ (VIDEO)

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‘Two Spanish police officers dead in collision with drug smugglers’ (VIDEO)

Two police officers were killed last night in the port of Barbate, Spain, when they were run over by a drug boat. Two others were injured. Five people have been arrested.


Images from the Guardia Civil (see below) show that a large speedboat passes a police boat several times at high speed, after which it actually sails over the police boat.

Bad weather

According to Spanish media, several drug boats are hiding in the port of Barbate, between Gibraltar and Cádiz, due to the bad weather in the Strait of Gibraltar.

Normally those boats are on the open sea to pick up drugs there. When the police tried to check them, most of them fled. Two remained cruising in the harbour, one of which was involved in the fatal incident.


Professional police associations are angry with their Minister of the Interior about this, because they do not have enough manpower to win the battle against drug smugglers. “It is turning into an area of ​​drug cartels here,” a spokesperson told the newspaper in Cadiz. “They are laughing at us,” he points to the drug smugglers.

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