Two Rotterdam residents receive 4.5 years in prison for bribing a motorcycle police officer

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Two Rotterdam residents receive 4.5 years in prison for bribing a motorcycle police officer

Two Rotterdam residents, aged 32 and 38, have been sentenced by the court in Utrecht to 4.5 years in prison for bribing a police officer Orm K., who provided them with confidential police information that was used by criminal organizations. The two have also been convicted of drug trafficking.

Big consequences

The suspects had very regular contact with the officer via EncroChat and SkyECC and took place between 2018 and 2020. Motorcycle officer Orm K. was sentenced to 4 years in prison for the case in 2020.

Both K.’s statement and the deciphered messages showed that the 38-year-old suspect passed on to the officer what information he had to retrieve from the system in exchange for money. The 32-year-old suspect then collected the information from the officer and gave him the promised money.

Torture chambers

The information that the bribed officer shared with the men consisted of personal, address and license plate details. This information had to do with the possible perpetrators of a rip deal and was related to the torture chambers in the Wouwse Plantage. Shortly after requesting the police information, a home and a business premises at the shared addresses were shot at.

Drug trafficking

The deciphered messages also revealed that the men were active in the drug trade. For example, a chat conversation took place on June 8, 2020, which showed that the 38-year-old man sold a kilo of cocaine. The chat messages also discussed enormous amounts of money, Panama, Colombia, Bolivia and the possible purchase of large quantities of drugs. The 32-year-old man also dealt in drugs and also had 8 kilos of cocaine and 205 grams of heroin in his possession.

4.5 years in prison

Based on the file, the court gets the impression that the 38-year-old man operated as an information broker for criminals and an underlying criminal organization, while he used the 32-year-old co-suspect as an errand boy.

In particular, the court considers the long period during which information was passed on, the systematic nature and the major consequences of the bribery to be very serious.

Also see:

‘Suspect in police mole bribery case fled to Dubai’

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