Two people arrested for preparing drug trafficking

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Two people arrested for preparing drug trafficking

Hillegom – The police arrested a 60-year-old woman and 56-year-old man from Hillegom in a home on Brouwerlaan in Hillegom on Thursday, February 1. They are suspected of preparing the trade in hard and soft drugs. The police found a commercial quantity of drugs in the home.

The municipality of Hillegom and the police have recently received several reports about drug trafficking in the house on Brouwerlaan. This led to the arrests and search of the home on Thursday, February 1. In addition to the narcotics, officers also found a large amount of cash and a prohibited weapon and ammunition in the home. All this has been seized. The two suspects were brought before the examining magistrate on Tuesday, February 6. The man’s pre-trial detention has been extended, that of the woman suspended.

Act together against drug trafficking

Residents can suffer greatly from drug use and drug dealing. The trade takes place in the illegal circuit and violence is often not avoided. Innocent bystanders can also become victims of this violence.

Criminals who become rich through drug trafficking often feel untouchable. But they aren’t. Government partners such as the police, the municipality, the Public Prosecution Service, housing and the Tax Authorities are starting more and more investigations to tackle this serious, debilitating crime. With these actions, the government is jointly tackling undermining, breaking up criminal networks and reducing the production of hemp and synthetic drugs. The police, municipality, Public Prosecution Service and other partners continue to investigate and carry out interventions.

Report drug nuisance

The municipality and the police carry out extra checks on drug nuisance and can use the help of residents. Do you experience drug nuisance and/or do you suspect drug trafficking? Please contact the police on telephone number 0900-8844 or via your local police officer. Would you rather remain anonymous? Please contact Meld Misdaad Anoniem via telephone number 0800-7000.

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