Two men from Limburg died in traffic accidents

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Two men from Limburg died in traffic accidents

Leveroy and Roggel – Two men were killed in two traffic accidents in Leveroy and Roggel on Saturday, April 6. A 56-year-old motorcyclist from Heerlen died in a collision in Leveroy and a 22-year-old man from Heythuysen died after a one-sided collision in Roggel. Because the family has now been informed, this message contains the ages and places of residence of the victims.

A 56-year-old motorcyclist was killed in a collision on the Houtsberg in Leveroy on Saturday morning around 11 am. The motorcyclist collided with a car traveling on the same road. An alarmed trauma helicopter could no longer mean anything.

A 22-year-old motorist was killed on the Heldense dike in Roggel that same morning around 12 noon. The car left the road and crashed into a tree. The driver has been resuscitated. The alarmed trauma helicopter landed and the trauma doctor present diagnosed the death. Police officers from the Traffic and Accident Analysis (VOA) are investigating both collisions.

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