Two arrests at cannabis nursery in Haarlem

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Two arrests at cannabis nursery in Haarlem

Haarlem – The police found a cannabis farm on Tappersweg in Haarlem on Wednesday, April 10, around 10:15 am during an integrated action with the municipality of Haarlem and the IJmond environmental service. Two suspects have been arrested due to their involvement in the cannabis farm.

Officers discovered the cannabis farm following an integrated inspection with the municipality of Haarlem and the environmental department. Around 10 a.m. they smelled the smell of hemp, which led them to the nursery with just under three hundred plants. When they opened the door and entered the building, two people were present. The person present, a 41-year-old resident of Haarlem and a 30-year-old resident of Amsterdam, were arrested and taken to the police station for questioning.

Reporting pays off
An illegal cannabis farm is dangerous for you and those around you. During cultivation, illegally tapped electricity and installations that are poorly constructed are often used. Therefore, this poses a serious risk to fire safety. Damage to homes or business premises can also be caused by leaks, odors and mold formation. You can recognize a cannabis farm by, for example, electricity problems in the area, taped windows, stench, moisture, mold or leaks in or around the home/business premises or lights that are constantly on. Do you smell hemp and/or do you think there is a hemp farm in your area? Report suspicious situations, call the police on telephone number 0900-8844 or call Report Crime Anonymously on telephone number 0800-7000.


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