Two arrests after threat with firearm in Roosendaal

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Two arrests after threat with firearm in Roosendaal

Roosendaal – The police arrested two Middelburgers (15 and 22 years old) on the A58 near Kruiningen on Sunday evening, April 16, 2023 around 11:15 p.m. They are suspected of threatening a 17-year-old boy in Roosendaal with a firearm. An object resembling a firearm was found in their car. During the incident in Roosendaal, the police fired a few warning shots. No one was injured.

A 17-year-old Roosendaler filed a report. He said he had a fight with a fellow townsman. That escalated on the Burg last night. Schneiderlaan. Two guys came up and threatened him with a firearm. The victim also received several blows to the head from them. Officers who received a report of the threat saw three people walking on Strausslaan. One of them matched the description of the perpetrators. When the officers wanted to check the three, they fled. The officers then fired several warning shots. Eventually, two people were arrested there. Upon further investigation, it turned out that they were not involved in the threat. They were therefore released shortly after their arrest.

The two suspected perpetrators had fled in a car whose owner lives in Middelburg. Officers from the Traffic team saw the car in question driving near Rilland on the A58 towards Zeeland. The vehicle was pulled over with a stop sign, after which the two occupants, Middelburgers aged 15 and 20, were arrested using the approach technique for dangerous suspects. An object resembling a firearm was found in the car.

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