Two arrests after distributing personal information about judicial officer

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Two arrests after distributing personal information about judicial officer

The police have arrested two people for distributing personal information of a judicial officer with malicious intent, also known as ‘doxing’. The law that makes prosecution possible came into effect on January 1.

It concerns a 55-year-old man from Katwijk and a 54-year-old resident of Uithoorn. They were arrested yesterday and today. The chief prosecutor of the Public Prosecution Service of the District Public Prosecutor’s Office in The Hague reported the doxing of one of the employees.

Investigation revealed that the arrested suspects had doxed the employee online. They allegedly distributed the personal data of the employee of the Public Prosecution Service in The Hague and asked for information about him online.
Evil intentions

Doxing is the malicious collection or distribution of personal, sensitive or private information such as home address, telephone number, a photo (e.g. of a face), an employer’s name, and family data: in fact, it concerns all data with which a person can be identified.

As of January 1, 2024, doxing will be punishable. The new article in the criminal code states that if a victim of doxing belongs to a specific professional group, the penalty will be increased by one third.

This includes the King, members of the Cabinet, the King’s Commissioner, a deputy, mayor, councilor, a member of a ‘general representative body’, a judicial officer, lawyer, journalist, a special investigating officer and police officers.

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