‘Turkey arrests suspect at Dutch request’ (UPDATE)

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‘Turkey arrests suspect at Dutch request’ (UPDATE)

In Turkey, Rawi Q. (48), wanted by the Netherlands, was arrested in Istanbul, Algemeen Dagblad reports. The Netherlands regards him as the head of an organization that smuggled cocaine into the Netherlands on a large scale. According to the investigation, Rawi Q. from Almere has been involved in large-scale cocaine trafficking for a long time.

Hooge Zwaluwe

Rawi Q. was an acquaintance of one of the victims of the fatal shooting that took place on October 15, 2015 in a holiday home in Hooge Zwaluwe. There, Muljaim Nadzak and No Surrender captain Brian Dalfour were shot dead and their companion Roy O. was injured. The three had said they wanted to sell a number of kilos of cocaine to a group of Antwerp residents. The deal turned into a shooting after these Antwerp residents were first tied up with tie wraps, but managed to break free.

Afterwards, the police determined that Rawi Q. had contacted Brian Dalfour with a PGP telephone when he was seriously injured in front of the house after the shooting. Q. was in Ecuador at the time. The detective also determined on the basis of telephone contacts that Q. must have had meetings with Dalfour’s group in the months before the shooting.

The suspects from Antwerp were ultimately acquitted of manslaughter because the court decided that it had been self-defense.


According to the Turkish Minister of the Interior, Ali Yerlikaya, Rawi Q. smuggled a total of six tons of cocaine to the Netherlands ‘by ship, boat or plane’.

According to the Turkish minister, 56 fugitives from 18 different countries have been arrested in Turkey in recent months.

Lots of money

Until recently, it was possible for criminals to pay a lot of money for a residence permit and invest in real estate. A criminal organization with connections to the far-right political party MHP took care of this. The MHP was in government until recently, but still has a lot of influence.

Last year the government changed course. A task force led by the Minister of Justice would manage the investigation of internationally wanted criminals in Turkey.

Dutch justice believes that fugitive Breda resident “Bolle Jos” Leijdekker also spent several years in Turkey. A brother of Leijdekker was arrested in Turkey last year.

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