Truck driver arrested after assaulting police officer

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Truck driver arrested after assaulting police officer

Bergen op Zoom – A drunken 32-year-old truck driver from Belarus was arrested last night on suspicion of assaulting a police officer. He hit the officer in the face with a clenched fist. The incident happened at the Wouwse Tol Noord parking lot along the A58. The officers went to the scene after a report of a fight between two drivers.

The police received a report around 2:15 am on Saturday, April 6, 2024, that a truck driver had been assaulted by a colleague in the Wouwse Tol Noord parking lot. The victim, a Russian, said he was woken up by a truck honking. He went to look after which he got into an argument with that colleague and they hit each other back and forth. He didn’t want to press charges.

The other party was now back in his cabin. He refused to show the officers his ID and was very drunk. With great difficulty the man, who was unsteady on his feet, managed to get out. He behaved aggressively by hitting the windows of the service vehicle. The officers wanted to give him a report for not showing ID and public intoxication. Suddenly he hit one of the officers in the face with a clenched fist. He hit the officer just below the left eye. The driver was subsequently arrested. He put up a lot of resistance. Finally they got him under control. Due to a nosebleed, he was first checked in the ambulance and then transferred to the cell complex.

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