Tips after Investigation Requested lead to arrest in Deventer sex incident

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Tips after Investigation Requested lead to arrest in Deventer sex incident

Deventer – The police arrested a suspect on the night of March 27 for a sexual incident at Toutenburg in Deventer. On Tuesday, March 26, the investigation team showed images of the suspect in the Opsporing Verzocht program. Concrete information came in that led to the arrest of a 31-year-old man from Deventer.

The images were widely shared after the broadcast and several tips were received. The research team would like to thank everyone who shared information and contributed ideas for their involvement. As previously stated, due to the nature of the incident, and for the protection of the victim, no further information will be shared.


In the broadcast, a specific witness was called upon to come forward. This witness was walking on Kannenburg that Sunday afternoon and crossed paths with the suspect. The witness was wearing a knee-length brown jacket, light jeans and white sneakers. This witness is not yet known. If anyone recognizes themselves in this person, they will still be asked to contact us.


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