Tineke Schouten’s husband would now be eighty

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Tineke Schouten’s husband would now be eighty

Six months ago, Hans Brunyanszki, the husband of comedian Tineke Schouten, died of a heart attack. Tineke is at peace with it, because Hans has been ill for a long time. Yet she is having a particularly difficult time at the moment. Her husband would have reached the ripe old age of eighty this month.

Tineke Schouten hopes to live to be eighty

Tineke tells ANP: “But look around you: many children in the world die in wars. And then we’re going to be difficult when you’re almost eighty. I hope to be. And maybe I won’t be, then that’s fine too.”

Hans Brunyanszki in hospice

Hans Brunyanszki stayed in a hospice shortly before his death. He eventually died at home. “He actually had a really nice time. Those summer months were special. We always had people over and spent a lot of time with our children and grandchildren, so he enjoyed that. (…) And very quickly, one morning, bam, he was gone. And that was good.”

Image: Instagram

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