Tilburger resisted with the police after a collision

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Tilburger resisted with the police after a collision

Tilburg – A 32-year-old Tilburg citizen crashed his car into a pole on the Heuvelring near Spoorlaan last night. He then refused to cooperate with a breath test and resisted arrest so violently that one of the officers used his stun gun. The suspect fell to the ground and became unconscious. He was transported to hospital by ambulance. After treatment, he was allowed to return home during the day.

Two bike officers responsible for catering supervision in the entertainment center heard from a passer-by on Saturday, January 6, 2024 around 3:30 am that an accident had just occurred on the Heuvelring near the intersection with Spoorlaan. The officers then quickly cycled there. They saw that a car had crashed into a pole there. There was no one left in the vehicle. The driver was leaning against a building. That he had been driving was also evident from camera surveillance images.

The man responded irritated to the question, which was repeated several times, whether he would like to participate in a breath test. He pushed the officer’s hand with the device away. The bikers then informed him that he was being arrested. The man stood up and then threw his arms around wildly, hitting one of the officers on the forearm. He clenched his fist and lunged at the other officer, barely dodging the blow. One of the officers then decided to use his electroshock weapon. The suspect then fell prostrate to the ground. As a result of his fall he became unconscious. He was then transported to hospital by ambulance for treatment. Blood was taken there, if the suspect gives permission, it will be tested for alcohol content.

Another drunk driver
During the catering service, a traffic control was held on the Besterdring. A 52-year-old Tilburg resident, driver of a company car, was caught driving under the influence around midnight. He blew 540 ugl.

Information source: Politie.nl

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