TikTok will soon launch an Instagram copycat: TikTok Notes

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TikTok will soon launch an Instagram copycat: TikTok Notes

Instagram has launched its own Twitter alternative and TikTok thinks: I can do that too. It comes with TikTok Notes, which, however, is not an alternative to Twitter, but to Instagram. TikTok Notes sounds like an app that only puts text, notes, but it is not: it is really a social medium for photos.

TikTok Notes

TikTok is also open about it: it has sent a prompt to users that reads: “Your photo posts will be shown on TikTok Notes. TikTok Notes, a new photo posting app, is coming! Your existing and future public TikTok photo posts will be shown on TikTok Notes. If you would rather not show your public TikTok photo posts on TikTok Notes, please turn this off now.”

In short, if you dismiss this message a little too quickly, you may miss the memo that photos that you do not have privately will be automatically placed on that other platform. Good to know that this is coming and that your content can appear there, even if you don’t have that separate app. The intention is for TikTok Notes to become a separate app. You can put a photo and a caption (a text about the photo).

Instagram clone

In return for TechCrunch TikTok has said it is looking at ways for its users to share their creativity in a dedicated space. Sounds logical, but it is still shrouded in some mystery: we don’t know when the app will be released, what it looks like and whether you have to use your TikTok account to view your Notes, just like with Instagram and Threads (we think yes, in connection with the transfer).

On the other hand, that pop-up is now there for a reason: it looks like TikTok is indeed planning to release its Instagram clone soon. A large number of photos on TikTok have probably convinced them that it can work. We are curious what else TikTok puts in Notes from Instagram: the Stories? Stickers? Hopefully the Chinese social media company will put its own spin on it.

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