Three suspects arrested after violent street robbery in Almere

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Three suspects arrested after violent street robbery in Almere

Almere – In the evening of April 1, a street robbery took place on the Ijsselmeerweg in Almere. The victim was robbed of his phone by three perpetrators at knifepoint. All three perpetrators were arrested by the police shortly after the incident.

The perpetrators walked through several streets with the victim. They ran away near the Braakman Creek. The police quickly arrived on the scene and were able to quickly arrest the three suspects with the help of the helicopter. It concerns three underage boys.

What can I do if I am the victim of a street robbery?
Have you been the victim of a street robbery? Then check out the following tips:

  • Block your SIM card, report it and if you had installed a tracking app, you can read it (on a computer) and pass this data on to the police.
  • Has your debit card been stolen? Then block it immediately with your bank.
  • Have documents such as your identity card or driver’s license been stolen? The police recommend that you wait a week before applying for new documents. It often happens that these documents are found somewhere shortly after the theft.
  • Talk about it with your parents or possibly someone from school or victim support. A street robbery (with violence) can make a deep impression.
  • Of course, don’t forget to inform the police. The police take street robberies very seriously and do everything they can to stop street robberies.

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