Three arrests after shooting at home

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Three arrests after shooting at home

Boxtel – In the night from Friday to Saturday, a house on Polenstraat was shot at while the residents were sleeping. No one was injured, but the window was significantly damaged. We stopped three men in a car elsewhere in Boxtel. They are being held for further investigation.

Around 3 a.m. we received a report that shots had probably been fired at the house, after several people had been standing at the door bored shortly before. Based on the available information, surveillance colleagues stopped a car in Prins Hendrikstraat containing three men. In view of the report of possible firearm use, they were ordered out of the car one by one and arrested using a so-called talking-out procedure. The three, from Boxtel, were taken to the police station and detained. The car they were traveling in was secured for further investigation. A suspected firearm was found inside.

We carried out a search at the house on Polenstraat and recovered bullet casings, among other things. Further forensic investigation will have to show whether these also come from the weapon found. Detectives are busy trying to gain clarity about last night’s events. What would have led to this is of course part of that investigation. We search as much as possible for any camera images from (doorbell/surveillance) cameras that can help us with this. Of course, we would also like to get in touch with people who can tell us more about the possible background of the incident. Call with your tips the Investigation Tip Line, 0800-6070 or possibly guaranteed Anonymously, the M-line, 0800-7000.

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