Three arrests after report of suspicious situation

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Three arrests after report of suspicious situation

Voorhout – Three men were arrested on Monday, April 24 on suspicion of handling stolen goods. These are men aged 21, 25 and 29 without a fixed place of residence.

A suspicious situation was reported just before 2 a.m. A witness saw that several people with hoods and caps behaved suspiciously in the Biezenland. When officers were near the Biezenland, a car with four occupants drove out of the neighborhood at high speed. The officers chased the car and gave a stop sign at the roundabout at Leidsevaart and Herenstraat. On Herenstraat, the co-driver jumped out of the car, after which he ran away. After a foot chase, he was never found. An officer did find a wallet with an identity card and driver’s license. The other occupants were arrested on Herenstraat.

A balaclava, gloves, telephones and three bicycle computers were found with the suspects. The car has been seized for further investigation.

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