Three arrests after alleged cuddly toy theft

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Three arrests after alleged cuddly toy theft

Rotterdam – On Tuesday, March 12, the police arrested a 37-year-old man and two women aged 44 and 46 (all without a fixed abode) for the theft of a gold chain on Slinge. They are still in custody and are also suspected of three other robberies in Utrecht and Amsterdam. The police have started an investigation into possible multiple thefts by the three.

An 84-year-old man became a victim of the so-called cuddly toy theft. The man was asked for directions by one of the suspects and as a token of gratitude, the suspects gave the victim jewelry and a hug. While putting on the jewelry and the cuddly toy, the gold chain he was wearing was stolen. Afterwards, the given jewelry turned out to be fake.

Don’t fall for it!
Robberies with a chat trick are unfortunately becoming more common, so always be alert. Perpetrators often use a nice excuse, such as asking for directions. They then steal money and/or other valuables. The thieves are fast and agile. Before you know it, you are a victim.

Always report
If you become a victim, or have experienced this before, always report it. Reports help us to map crime even better and the police are also involved in the coordination of mobile banditry (read more about mobile banditry here). Do you have information or are you a victim? Please contact us via the options below.

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