There’s a truly Ready Player One metaverse in the making

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There’s a truly Ready Player One metaverse in the making

When people talk about the metaverse, Ready Player One is often referred to. Steven Spielberg’s film in which a boy completely loses himself in a kind of second life in virtual reality appeals enormously to the imagination, but is also often seen by people as a kind of vision of the future. That future is suddenly a lot closer, now that a metaverse has been developed by the makers of Ready Player One. It’s not accessible yet, but there is a teaser.

Readyverse Studios is working on this metaverse and this should be a multi-genre metaverse in which you can expect complete immersion. These are big promises, which we have heard before when it comes to the metaverse, but who knows, Readyverse may have really nailed it. In any case, the teaser shows little: an avatar from the film. No real gameplay footage yet, but it’s a start.

Metaverse OPEN

The Readyverse Metaverse is an interactive platform for metaverse games and experiences, sponsored by Warner Bros., among others. Discovery. Not surprising, because they were also behind the distribution of the film in 2018. It appears in the Readyverse and contains a third-person battle royale. So it follows many well-known games, such as PUBG and Fortnite.

In the meantime, you may wonder to what extent the metaverse doesn’t already exist. A game like Roblox in which all kinds of worlds exist within worlds and people create their own game worlds within them, that should actually also count as a metaverse. Zeeman even has a store where you can buy clothes for your avatar. So there’s actually a lot going on in the metaverse already, but we haven’t seen anything as compelling as we saw in the Hollywood production. But it is in development, although it is questionable whether it will indeed become such a hit. First let’s wait for gameplay images of this metaverse, which is called OPEN, so not Ready Player One.

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