The perfect post on LinkedIn, a new educational book for users

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The perfect post on LinkedIn, a new educational book for users

LinkedIn has become the destination for professional value creation, something that Franck Fielemon and Ina Boer, authors of ‘The perfect post on LinkedIn’, strongly emphasize. This platform, rich in users in the Netherlands, offers unparalleled opportunities for professionals to put themselves in the spotlight.

Fielemon and Boer’s book is full of concrete tips for creating appealing posts that not only offer value but also increase your visibility and influence. Authentic content that really gives to the network is central and strengthens your online presence and connections.

Updates with ChatGPT and creator mode

Together with Ina Boer, Franck rewrote the previous edition ‘How to come up with the perfect post on LinkedIn’. They also supplemented it with updates on ChatGPT, right down to the latest changes to creator mode. “Ideally, on LinkedIn you show how valuable you are to your target group. You make yourself visible and therefore appear on the radar of customers, employers, clients and potential employees or colleagues. Your content must therefore be recognizable, authentic and sincere.”

Three pillars are central to this. Giving, connecting and creating value for your network. Coming up with the perfect post is one thing, but making it successfully visible in your online network and beyond is the real challenge, according to the writers.

The book ‘The perfect post on LinkedIn‘ is available at good bookstores and online at, among others. ISBN 9789089659113

[Fotocredits – Urupong © Adobe Stock]

The perfect post on LinkedIn, reading material for die-hard users

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