Teenager shot – police are looking for witnesses

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Teenager shot – police are looking for witnesses

s-Hertogenbosch – On Thursday evening, somewhere between half past eight and a quarter to nine, a 15-year-old boy from Etten-Leur was found seriously injured on Van Grobbendoncklaan, near Ophoviuslaan. It turned out he had been shot. We immediately started an investigation into this shooting incident and are looking for the perpetrators. Who can tell us more about what happened and the possible background?

The victim was taken to a hospital where he was treated for his injuries. He is out of danger. The boy was found by a passer-by, who alerted the emergency services. For the time being, much is unclear and we still have many questions. Based on the initial investigation, we are looking for two suspects. One of them was said to be wearing glasses, long hair and a dark green coat. The other suspect had a white hood and a black cap. It is not clear where they went after the shooting. So far there is no trace of them.

To give evidence
We are looking for people who know more about this shooting incident. Naturally, we would like to get in touch with people who saw or heard something at or near the crime scene. Who will identify the suspicious duo, perhaps in combination with the limited description? Who can say more about a possible motive? Although the victim is from Etten-Leur, he regularly stays in Den Bosch. Any bit of information that can help us find the perpetrators is welcome. Report your tips via one of the buttons below.

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Information source: Politie.nl

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