Teenager confesses to gas station robbery

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Teenager confesses to gas station robbery

Den Bosch – A 14-year-old boy from Den Bosch has confessed that he tried to rob a gas station on the Hambakenweg in Den Bosch last February 17. He reported to the police after photos and surveillance images of the robbery were published by us, including in our Bureau Brabant investigation program.

The gas station employee’s immediate impression was that she was dealing with a young robber. The woman froze when the perpetrator, who was noticeably lightly dressed, pointed a gun at her. After some hesitation, the perpetrator then left again without any loot. He fled on foot to the rear of the gas station, where the surveillance cameras lost sight of him.

We have been sharing photos of the suspect via our website and social media channels since the beginning of March. Last Monday we also showed moving images in Bureau Brabant. Apparently this made things too hot for the suspect and he decided to turn himself in. Given his age, the boy was kept in custody at home, which means he was not allowed to leave the house. On Friday he was brought before the examining magistrate who released him pending further prosecution.

Information source: Politie.nl

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