Swedish gang war is being fought internationally

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Swedish gang war is being fought internationally

The recent explosion at a home in Nijmegen belonging to a cousin of the fugitive gang leader Rawa Majid is not the only link between ‘Sweden and the Netherlands’. Another relative of the “Kurdish Fox” also comes from the Netherlands. This half-brother of Majid was recently sentenced to two years in prison in our country for drug offenses. A criminal case with Dutch suspects is currently underway at the court in Roermond, in which two drug transports are linked to Majid.

By Roel Janssen / Image: Heitink Press Agency

On Thursday, Crimesite wrote that the explosion at a Nijmegen home, during the night of Saturday 27 to Sunday 28 January, took place at the home of a cousin of Rawa Majid, alias the “Kurdish Fox”. Rawa Majid heads the Swedish criminal organization Foxtrot from Turkey. Nothing is yet known about the reason for the attack in Nijmegen, but it is a fact that in the multiple conflicts in which Rawa Majid has been involved, (innocent) family members have also been targeted.

Golden fox

Majid’s cousin from Nijmegen was recently photographed in Istanbul with his fugitive relative. This cousin can also be seen in a photo with a gold ring of a fox. A gift from the “Kurdish Fox” to his accomplices and some family members.

Half brother

Majid reportedly also has a half-brother in the Netherlands, who – according to unconfirmed information – was recently sentenced here to two years in prison for drug offenses. This family member would have been born and raised in the Netherlands. He was reportedly arrested in a home in The Hague in the autumn of 2023 after a European arrest warrant was issued against him by Swedish authorities.

A reliable source told Crimesite: ‘On November 30, there was a news report in Sweden that a close relative of Rawa Majid had been arrested in The Hague as a result of a collaboration between Sweden and the Netherlands. The target for arrest was someone suspected of a shooting in Sweden, and from what I understand, they were arrested together. This half-brother managed to stay under the radar through Germany. Then he turned up in the Hague apartment and was arrested together with a Swede.’

Majid’s tentacles and family ties therefore also seem to extend to the Netherlands.

Foxtrot gang

Rawa Majid (born July 12, 1986) is an Iraqi-Kurdish criminal who grew up in the Swedish city of Uppsala, but has lived in Turkey since 2018. He is seen as the leader of the Swedish criminal organization Foxtrot, which has been linked to numerous shootings and bombings in Sweden. The violence mainly concerns the capital Stockholm and Uppsala (Sweden’s third city), and is often committed by very young suspects. The victims include relatives of rival criminals and former friends of Majid, children, mothers and other innocent victims.

Liquidation Iraq

Majid has many enemies and is in conflict with several other criminal groups and former Foxtrot leaders. On January 8, 2024, a former leader of the Foxtrot gang was liquidated in Iraq. Swedish gangster Mustafa Aljiburi (35), alias “Benzema”, was shot dead in Baghdad while waiting in a car at a traffic light.

Arrest warrant

As of 2020, Majid is wanted internationally for major drug cases and planning murders, and has been named one of Sweden’s most wanted criminals. The “Kurdish Fox” was stopped by police in Iran on October 6, 2023 during a traffic stop as he crossed the border with Turkey. He had fake IDs in his pocket, but was soon released.

Very young

Majid directs his troops from Turkey. According to the Swedish authorities, he is not only involved in bringing in large quantities of drugs, but also plans and commits attacks on rivals and issues assassination orders. Especially (very) young boys are recruited as foot soldiers. Many Swedish gang members (most with a migration background) are recruited during their teenage years. They often come from underprivileged suburbs in Stockholm and other cities.

Swedish army

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said in 2022 about Sweden’s escalated gang violence that no “any other country in Europe was facing such a serious gang crime problem.” Kristersson advocates stricter sentences, the construction of youth prisons and the deportation of convicts who are not Swedish citizens. He also said in September 2023 that the Swedish army will be called in against the criminal gangs in the future.

Who would have thought that from one of the richest and cleanest countries in the world, which is still considered safe and known for its beautiful Scandinavian nature?

Turkish citizenship

After Rawa Majid served a long prison sentence for drug transports from 2010, his cousin was liquidated in 2018. Because he realizes that he is in danger, he eventually moves to Turkey via Iraq. There he obtains Turkish citizenship, but in the meantime he is in conflict with so many different parties that danger can in principle come from any corner.


In Sweden, Majid not only has problems with the rival criminal network Vårby, but also with motorcycle club Bandidos and the Dalen network. In September 2020, a 25-year-old man was shot dead in Uppsala, who was believed to be a member of the Vårby network, according to Swedish media. The shooting was reportedly committed by members of Foxtrot.


In March 2022, an innocent 33-year-old hairdresser was shot dead near the Bandidos clubhouse in Haninge. He drives a similar white Mercedes to a proposed Bandidos member and is likely mistaken for a rival. Several members of the Foxtrot gang have been charged with the murder on Majid’s orders, but he has not been tried for the murder because he is in Turkey. According to authorities, voice recordings show that Majid and an 18-year-old man plotted a new assassination plan on the leader of the Bandidos two weeks later. The police foil the plot.

An attack on a Bandidos leader in a gym also failed. An innocent man is also fatally struck here. The shooter is a 16-year-old boy. On September 6, 2023, Majid allegedly ordered a 17-year-old to blow up the Bandidos clubhouse.

Internal conflicts

In addition to an escalating conflict with the Dalen gang and their leader Mikael Tenezos, alias “The Greek”, over the local drug market in the city of Sundsvall – with victims on both sides – there was also an internal feud within the Foxtrot network last year . Majid’s former right-hand man Ismail Abdo (33), alias “Strawberry”, became his sworn rival when a major drug transport went wrong. Both criminals reside in Turkey, from where they direct their soldiers.

Explosion of violence

Since September 2023, this conflict has resulted in ruthless revenge attacks, in which family members are also targeted. During all the explosions and shootings that month, as many as eleven people died in Sweden, including innocent victims. Most of the deaths are related to the conflict within the Foxtrot gang.

Mother murdered

Because Majid and Abdo were so close to each other, they know exactly each other’s weaknesses and know where each other’s close relatives live. On September 6, 2023, there is a shooting in Istanbul, which is reportedly on the orders of Ismail Abdo and intended to liquidate Rawa Majid. No one is injured, but a counter-reaction is inevitable. On September 7, Ismail Abdo’s mother was murdered in her home in Uppsala. After this it’s officially war.

A 15-year-old boy and a 19-year-old man are arrested for the murder. Two days after the murder, Rawa Majid’s mother-in-law is targeted. An unknown man knocks on her door repeatedly, but she doesn’t open it. After a few minutes, the gunman opens fire on the front door and flees. The mother-in-law remains unharmed.

“Benzema” liquidated

On January 8, 2024, Swedish gangster Mustafa Aljiburi (35), alias “Benzema” was liquidated in the Iraqi capital Baghdad. Aljiburi was previously in the Foxtrot gang of Majid and his former right-hand man Abdo, but they also become enemies. After previously staging his own liquidation, Aljiburi was eliminated last month while waiting in his car at a traffic light in Baghdad.

Three Swedish suspects are arrested, including the alleged 19-year-old shooter. Insiders assume that Ismail Abdo ordered the killing, but Rawa Majid’s name is also doing the rounds. According to Swedish police, “Benzema” was a key organizer of large shipments of drugs imported into Sweden for the Foxtrot gang.

Also see:

‘Explosion in Nijmegen was aimed at cousin of Swedish gang leader’

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