Suspects arrested for drug smuggling by sailing ship

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Suspects arrested for drug smuggling by sailing ship

The police have arrested five suspects in Friesland who were allegedly involved in smuggling drugs by sailboat.

Photo is for illustration purposes


The suspects were arrested on Tuesday morning during an action. Four of them come from the same family. These are men aged 81, 57 and 25 from Sneek, a 28-year-old man from Joure and a 49-year-old man from Deventer.

Searches were carried out in those cities and in The Hague. There, the police seized drugs, three cars, money, documents and data carriers.

Two sailing ships were seized in Spain and in Terherne, near Sneek.

Full swing

The suspects will be brought before the examining magistrate on Friday, April 26. The investigation is still in full swing and several arrests and seizures cannot be ruled out, the police said in a message.

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