Suspect in fatal stabbing incident no longer in custody

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Suspect in fatal stabbing incident no longer in custody

Tilburg – The suspect in the stabbing incident in which a 41-year-old man was fatally injured on Sunday night, April 7, is no longer in custody. She is still a suspect in the case, but can await the investigation in freedom.

On the night of Saturday 6 to Sunday 7 April, the police received a report around 1:20 am that an injured man was bleeding in the ZuidOosterstraat in Tilburg. It soon becomes clear that this victim may have been seriously injured by a stab. The man is immediately resuscitated, but after some time it turns out that the victim (41) has died.

During the resuscitation, a second report is received of another injured person. A woman is then found on the corner of Zuid-Oosterstraat and Tulpstraat. That’s less than a hundred meters from the first victim. She also has cuts and stab wounds. The woman is somewhat responsive and is taken to hospital by ambulance.

Because the circumstances of the entire situation are still unclear at that time, the woman is arrested. The police have started an investigation into what happened that night in Zuid-Oosterstraat. The woman heard on April 10, after she was brought before the examining magistrate, that she could await this investigation in freedom. There’s no reason to keep her any longer. She is still a suspect.

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