Steiner does not understand the Hamilton-Mercedes working method: “Then something is going on”

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Steiner does not understand the Hamilton-Mercedes working method: “Then something is going on”

Lewis Hamilton will stay with Mercedes until the end of his career, Günther Steiner predicts. The Haas team boss does not see it happening that the seven-time world champion does not extend his expiring contract in Brackley. According to the Italian, Hamilton has no other option than to sign with his current team.

Steiner is asked by the PA news agency about his opinion on Hamilton’s contract situation. The Englishman has not won a Grand Prix for more than a year and has an expiring contract with Mercedes, which is currently not competing for the world title. “Lewis will stay with Mercedes until the end of his career,” Steiner predicts, however, quoted by The Independent.

“What other options are there for him?” Steiner wonders aloud about Hamilton. ‘Just think about that. What options does he have? I don’t think he has many. He’s now at a point where he’s close to the end that doing something different isn’t necessarily a positive thing. Then he is not happy that he cannot win, but he has also had enough good years at Mercedes. Then you have to stay with the people who made you great.’

Working method Hamilton-Mercedes surprises Steiner

Steiner is also surprised at the way Mercedes and Hamilton are openly flirting with each other about a contract extension, but that it has not yet happened. “They say everything is fine and they will sign. But they haven’t signed anything yet. Why haven’t they signed anything yet? Because they are not ready yet. Okay, so something is going on.’

The team boss of Haas excludes that Hamilton would be too old. “Obviously there comes a point where someone is too old, but Lewis still has some years left in him. Toto (Wolff, ed.) will know when to pull the plug. Maybe they decided to wait a while. I don’t know if they didn’t have time for it yet or maybe it had something to do with the negotiations.’

However, their bond is very strong and sometimes neither side is in a hurry. Steiner can’t resist another joke in case Hamilton doesn’t extend. “I’d love to have him with Haas, but we can’t afford him. If Toto pays the bill, I give him a warm welcome,” said the Haas team boss.

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